Letters To The Editor of JEMS |
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aka: A Truly SAD Demonstration
of EMS Educator APATHY!!!
I sent MY Letter to the JEMS Editor about this column (my review) at the end of January, 2003. However, ONLY ONE letter about this column has ever been published in JEMS:
Watch That Stethoscope
Here is the ONLY Letter sent to Me AND JEMS,
And, here is ONE letter sent to Me (on May 07, 2003), in "support" of
Letter from Steve Whitehead, EMT-P, Operations Team Leader for Pridemark Paramedic Services of Arvada, CO
BTW: I hereby "publicly" and sincerely apologize to Steve Whitehead, for taking so LONG to post his opinion!!! (Not posted until October 6, 2003!) My only "excuse": Had OTHER opinion letters been sent to me, I assuredly would have posted his comments at the same time as posting them.
Unfortunately, all the above links sum-up the
What do I mean by my personal "Call for Letters?"
In addition to posting a PUBLIC "Call for Letters" about this article in my Restraint Asphyxia Library (in February, 2003), on Sunday, March 16th, 2003, I sent the following personal Email to several EMS Educators of my acquaintance.
Have you read Thom Dick's JEMS "Use of Restraints, PART 2"
If you haven't, it's posted in my Restraint Asphyxia Library. To read it, go to:
I am "Calling For Letters" regarding this column's content.
After reading it (before OR after reading MY review of it:
Send your review and/or comments as a "Letter to the Editor" of JEMS.
(Your "contact information" is required by JEMS. If you want to remain anonymous, just give them your first initial and last name, EMS certification level, the state you work in, and your Email address -- and TELL THEM you don't want your NAME published.)
JEMS Editor Email: jems.editor@elsevier.com
THEN, Email ME your review and/or comments!
Whether or not JEMS publishes your letter,
If you wish your review and/or comments to be posted "from anonymous," that's fine.
THANX for your help! CHAS
To Whom did I Email this Personal "Call for Letters"?:
Ann & Pete Bellows (New Mexico); annandpete@zianet.com>
Of these 40 EMS Educators personally contacted by me,
One wonders what happened to all the other EMS Educators!
Essentially, we'll never know the true answer to those questions.
How ... profound! (Not!)
But, HEY! At least he wrote!
That's more than what any of the country's so-called "premier" EMS Educators did.
but NEVER published in JEMS:
Dick's Tricks, but (apparently) Never Sent to JEMS:
"Thom's motivation to better train our employees and his readers about better restraint techniques stems from his immense compassion for our patients and his understanding of how poorly trained many of us are regarding appropriate patient restraint."
ENTIRETY of LETTERS that were generated (to my knowledge) by
Dick's JEMS restraint tricks, or by MY personal "Call for Letters."Hello!
Tricks of the Trade Column (January 2003 JEMS)???
plz write YOUR review and/or comments
about the methods of patient restraint that Dick is promoting.
Snail Mail:
JEMS Letters
525 B Street, Suite 1900
San Diego, CA 92101-4495
FAX: 619 - 699 - 6246
I will post it in my Restraint Asphyxia Library!
Even if you don't agree with MY review,
your opinions deserve to be heard and seen by ALL.
I will post them!
Just let me know the following information to post with your article:
Your EMS certification level, and the state that you work in.
Ann Maggiore (New Mexico); doclaw@concentric.net
Baxter Larmon (California, UCLA); blarmon@mednet.ucla.edu
Bill Atkinson (North Carolina); bill.atkinson@nhrmc.org>
Chris Arnold (British Columbia, Canada); pngi@kermode.net>
Creighton University Paramedic Program (Omaha, Nebraska); cuphe@creighton.edu
Cynthia Osborne (New Mexico); cyndiosborneoz@aol.com
Dan Limmer (author of Brady's Emergency Care); emsddl@gwumc.edu
Dave Sheppard (UK); dave@imhl.com
David Hoover (Springfield, MO); dhoover@coxnet.org
Dawn Williamson-Sharp (Nebraska); dsharp@midlands.net
Dawn Bidwell (Minnesota); dawn.bidwell@northmemorial.com
Dean Cole (Nebraska State EMS Dept.); dean.cole@hhss.state.ne.us
Dina Carson (Colorado); irongate@estreet.com
Doug Fuller (Nebraska State EMS Dept.); doug.fuller@hhss.state.ne.us
Dr. Sam Stratton (California); stratton@emedharbor.edu
Dr. Donald T. Reay; donald.reay@metrokc.gov
Dr. Bryan Bledsoe (Texas; author of Brady's Paramedic Text); bbledsoe@earthlink.net
Evan Bensley (Iowa EMS Assoc.); ebensley@nwicc.cc.ia.us
Gordon Haynes (UK RN); gordon.haynes@btinternet.com
Greg Chamberlain (Nebraska); glchamberlain@netscape.net
Ian Shanley (Scottish Ambulance Service); ishanley@scotamb.co.uk
Jackamore, Stephen (Colorado); Stephen.Jackamore@dhha.org
Jim Tune (Tantara, MO); JTune@bjc.org
Jim Derrick (New Mexico State EMS Dept.); jimd@doh.state.nm.us
JJ Wohlers (Nebraska); Medic6458@aol.com
John Sinclair (Washington); jsinclair@piercefire.org
Kate Dernocoeur (Michigan); WinInkKBD@cs.com
Ken Bouvier (Louisiana); kenneth.j.bouvier@monsanto.com
Mike Taigman (California); mtaigman@aol.com
Monta Rae Glaser (Joplin, MO); MGlaser@stj.com
Nathan Williams (Tantara, MO); nwilliam@coin.org
Paul Murphy (Colorado); finny@rmi.net
Paul Fuller (Colorado); arffmed@aol.com
Ronald O'Halloran (Ventura CA ME); ronald.ohalloran@mail.co.ventura.ca.us
Stephen & Judy Murphy (Washington); Murpheejs@attbi.com
Steve Mercer (Iowa); smercer@health.state.ia.us
Tim Davies (UK); timgreenlid@hotmail.com
Twink Dalton (Colorado); TDalton@pridemark.cc
Will Chapleau (Chicago Fire); WChapleau@aol.com
only ONE sent a letter both to Me and to JEMS.
that they didn't feel a letter was required?
(If so, I wish that they'd written and told me to "bugger off!"
Obviously, Dick would appreciate the support!)
to voice their opinion about Dick's "Tricks"?
That's what comes from EMS Educators entirely failing to voice their opinion.
To Return To Wherever You Came From
OR: Email Charly at: c-d-miller@neb.rr.com
Those are hyphens/dashes between the "c" and "d" and "miller"