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Prone Restraint and Respiratory Function |
Chan TC; Neuman T; Clausen J; Eisele J; Vilke GM.
Weight force during prone restraint and respiratory function.
Am J Forensic Med Pathol 25(3):185-189, September 2004.
“It is ALIVE!!!”
Sorry! But, I cannot help but be … “flippant” … when it comes to this study and
three of it’s authors; Chan, Neuman, and Vilke a.k.a., the “Misrepresentation Kings!”
To best understand why I so strongly DISDAIN this article;
See MY NEW (2005) Opinion Paper related to this article!:
“A Comprehensive Review of Frequently Misinterpreted
and Misrepresented Restraint Research”
I’ve posted this
American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology
article in PDF file format.
If you don’t have an Adobe Acrobat PDF file program, you can download a FREE version HERE.
BELOW are my “OLD” comments about this silly study:
If you haven’t read my 2005 review, these old comments will give you a TASTE of what the 2005 review covers. But, this is ONLY a “taste” of the incredible amount of evidence that I identify (and provide SUPPORT FOR) in my 2005 review.
A paper-presentation of this study’s findings was first presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Science, in Reno, Nevada; February 21-26, 2000:
Eisele JW, Chan TC, Vilke GM:
Comparison of Respiratory Function in the Prone Maximal Restraint Position
With and Without Additional Weight Force on the Back
This means that the actual study had to have been performed prior to February, 2000. Likely, the study was performed in 1999 more than 4 years before Chan finally found someone to publish it!
The original “lead” study author, and the 2000 AAFS conference presenter, was Dr. Eisele.
But, RUMOR has it [I’ve honestly forgotten when or from whom I heard this! But, it surely was some time in 2002, and surely from a California physician who knows Dr. Eisele and the Chan et al gang.] … RUMOR has it that Dr. Eisele didn’t feel the study had yielded information that was in any way worth bothering to publish. Consequently, he didn’t want to pursue the study’s publication.
[Dr. Eisele! If you wish to “refute” this rumor, PLZ contact me and testify to same in writing! I’ll happily retract the “rumor” if you give me a reason to!]
Oddly enough, when the study’s paper surfaced again, it was with CHAN cited as the “lead” author; Clausen and Neuman added to the “author” list; and Dr. Eisele’s name bumped back to just before Vilke’s name.
[Clearly, Vilke must have been an extremely insignificant participant in the study! Otherwise, Clausen and Neuman’s names and Dr. Eisele’s name wouldn’t have been inserted before his name in the Chan-version of the study’s 2003-presented paper.]
Anyway … the study’s 2003-paper was a slightly-altered representation of this same study, and was presented by Chan in October of 2003, at the American College of Emergency Physicians conference in Boston.
Chan TC, Clausen J, Neuman T, Eisele JW, Vilke GM.
Does weight force during physical restraint cause respiratory compromise?
[My review of the 2003 paper’s abstract (& a link to my review of the 2000 study paper) is on the same page as the above link.]
The PRIMARY “problems” with this study remain exactly the same as when its findings were presented in 2000. But, now that Chan has finally managed to get the study’s findings published (more than 4 years after the study was performed), and now that I have its full-report, I have identified SEVERAL MORE erroneous misrepresentations promoted by Chan et al.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to identify, discuss, and post them at this writing. [One of these days, I’ll get to it!]
If you haven’t already read my 2005 review of this (and other) Chan et al articles, GO TO:
“A Comprehensive Review of Frequently Misinterpreted
and Misrepresented Restraint Research”