Ms. Charly D Miller Finally Responds To
The Lies and Falsely Negative Innuendos
Posted By
and Circulated by Others of their ILK!

- Using their own references, I have demonstrated the clear and indisputable FACT that ALL the accusations and insinuations posted about me by the anonymous Quack and Crackpot Bloggers are nothing but lies and falsely negative innuendos.
- Because what was posted about ME by the anonymous Quack and Crackpot Bloggers so clearly consists of nothing more than lies and falsely negative innuendos, NOTHING ELSE THEY HAVE POSTED (or might post in the future) CAN BE TRUSTED!
- Because they post lies, EVERY PERSON denigrated and lambasted by the anonymous Quack and Crackpot Bloggers can logically be recognized as being the OPPOSITE of what these Bogus Bloggers have said they are.
People the Quack and Crackpot Bloggers DON’T like are precisely the people you should trust!
- Because they post lies, every person PROMOTED by the anonymous Quack and Crackpot Bloggers can logically be recognized as being the OPPOSITE of what these Bogus Bloggers have said they are.
People the Quack and Crackpot Bloggers DO like are precisely the people you should NOT trust!
- Anyone who CITES the Quack and Crackpot Blog entries in an effort to insinuate support for perpetuating these lies and falsely negative innuendos is probably:
(A) Incredibly Stoopid
(B) Terrifically Lazy
(C) Motivated by a financial or deviant interest in

continuing the subjection of children and adults

to lethal forms of restraint
(D) ANY or ALL of the Above!

I’ve posted my response to these Bogus Bloggers in PDF form.
But, I’ve placed its link on this HTML page so that I can track the number of times folkz visit it.
If you don’t have an Adobe Acrobat PDF file program, you can download a FREE version HERE
Charly D. Miller’s Response to
The Lies and Falsely Negative Innuendos
Posted By Anonymous Quack and Crackpot Bloggers,
And Those Who Circulate Such KRAPPE!

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Email Charly at: c-d-miller@neb.rr.com
(Those are hyphens/dashes between the “c” and “d” and “miller”)
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