Restraint Asphyxia Near-Death Case Study
Detailed Emergency Department Treatment/Exam Chronology
All records regarding this patient's ED course of examination, treatment, and findings - in addition to his brief in-hospital stay - were originally obtained with permission of the receiving hospital. All identifying references to the actual patient have been redacted (deleted), to preserve patient confidentiality.
- 0205 the patient's vital signs were 116/73, pulse of 120, ventilated at 12/minute.
- 0210 another 3 mg of Versed were administered IV.
- 0210 an NG tube was placed.
- 0220 activated charcoal was administered.
The patient's vital signs were 141/70, pulse of 116, ventilated at 12/minute.
- 0238 another 70 mg of Zemuron were administered IV.
The patient's vital signs were 152/87, pulse of 110, ventilated at 12/minute.
- 0245 the patient was sent for a CT scan of his head.
Chest and C-spine x-rays were negative for any chest or spine trauma.
The patient's vital signs were 161/107, pulse of 113, ventilated at 12/minute.
- 0300 another 5 mg of Versed were administered IV.
The patient's pulse was 98.
- 0340 another 3 mg of Versed were administered IV.
- 0345 the patient returned from CT.
- 0400 an EKG was done. It showed a normal sinus rhythm, with nonspecific ST abnormality. The patient's heart rate was 84 per minute.
- 0415 the patient's vital signs were 142/70, pulse of 84, ventilated at 12/minute.
- 0420 the nursing staff noted the patient to be increasing in agitation.
The patient's vital signs were 155/82, pulse of 84, ventilated at 12/minute.
- 0430 muscle tremors were noted and attributed to Zemuron (withdrawal?).
- 0435 another 3 mg of Versed were administered IV.
- 0440 another 2 mg of Versed were administered IV.
- 0445 the head CT revealed no bleed, no mass or mass effect. Soft tissue right orbital trauma was found, with "fluid" (not blood) in the patient's frontal and sphenoid sinuses.
- 0500 the patient was first noted to be following commands, and was sent to undergo a CT scan of his abdomen and pelvis.
The patient's vital signs were 143/70, pulse of 78, ventilated at 14/minute.
- 0530 the patient returned to the ED.
- 0550 the abdominal and pelvic CT revealed normal findings for everything, except for multiple small calcification findings in the patient's spleen.
- 0600 the urine toxicological screen showed the patient was positive for marijuana.
The patient's vital signs were 138/66, pulse of 74, ventilated at 14/minute. A spinal tap was done and the findings were negative for any cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities.
- 0636 the patient received 4 sutures in his right upper eyelid laceration.
- 0700 the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit. His total fluid intake while in the ED was 1300 cc of Normal Saline. His total output was 1400 cc.
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