![]() VINCE SHLOMI, a famous (now “infamous”) Television INFOMERCIAL Guy. |
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BOGUS and SHAM Website That Falsely Claims To Offer “TRUTH” About Prone Restraint Techniques! |
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![]() Shlomi’s Feb, 2009 MUGSHOT, when arrested for “felony battery” after allegedly beating up a prostitute in his South Beach hotel room. |
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Definition of “BOGUS”: Counterfeit or fake; not genuine.Definition of “SHAM”:
1. Something false or empty that is purported to be genuine; a spurious imitation.
2. The quality of deceitfulness; empty pretense.
To periodically remind readers that this is an Opinion Paper, several of My OPINIONS are specifically identified by a Preface, and/or by Text that is posted in BLUE FONT COLOR.
Text posted in a NAVY FONT COLOR indicates unedited QUOTATIONS from a referenced source.
Bruce Chapman (the Bogus and Sham Website’s perpetrator) is so AFRAID of being QUOTED, that he filed a DMCA complaint about me quoting him in my original Opinion Paper.
So, in this EDITED version I had to create a “PARAPHRASE FONT COLOR” just for Him!
When you see text in that font color, you’ll know that I am PARAPHRASING statements made by Chapman.
The original version of this Opinion Paper was posted here on May 25th, 2009.
New TERMS and ABBREVIATIONS within this
Opinion Paper’s June 19th, 2009 Edition:
The Opinions Stated Herein are Based On:
OPINION #1; and Related Facts:
Bruce Chapman LIED BY OMISSION when he created the Undeniably BOGUS and SHAM Website that claims to provide the “truth” about prone restraint techniques.
[If you haven’t already; See “TIP #1” of Chapman & Adler’s DMCA Complaints About My Opinion Paper]
Why would Chapman purposefully HIDE his relationship to his BS Website?
It is My Opinion that:
Because it was anonymously-authored (there is no information on that site identifying Who set it up), the BS Website enjoyed very little credibility to begin with. But, if it became commonly known that the Founder and President of a company that promoted Prone-Restraint Training was the person who created the website claiming that Prone restraint is entirely SAFE, the BS Website’s tiny bit of credibility would be entirely NEGATED!
After all, Chapman’s Restraint Training company needs people to continue paying for classes that promote the use of forceful-prone-restraint techniques, in spite of the fact that forceful-prone-restraint techniques have frequently been shown to be LETHAL!
Chapman’s company also wants to continue selling its outrageously expensive restraint-related equipment! Stuff like:
Chapman DELIBERATELY attempted to HIDE
THUS, because it is FOUNDED on a huge LIE,
OPINION #2; and Related Facts:
Chapman’s BS Website and Lethal Restraint Training Website offer IDENTICAL Argument papers, that supposedly provide support for his allegations that prone restraint is SAFE.
Within the identical BS and LRT Websites’ “Argument” papers, Chapman suggests a number of ridiculously untrue things, such as; PRONE Restraint techniques are less dangerous than SUPINE restraint techniques!
Within his Argument paper, and throughout BOTH of his WEBSITES, Chapman often makes broad statements such as that one, without offering any form of referenced “support” for them.
It is My Opinion that:
OPINION #3; and Related Facts:
It is MY OPINION that:
[If you haven’t already; See “TIP #2” of
I sincerely doubt that Attorneys hired by the Families of Prone Restraint Asphyxia Victims would fall prey to the BS rhetoric found on Chapman’s BS Website. But, one never knows how a JURY might respond to an “Exhibit” printed from Chapman’s BS Website.
Happily, this Opinion Paper will assist ALL information seekers to recognize Chapman’s subterfuge. It also will provide an “Exhibit” source for the purpose of helping JURIES recognize Chapman’s subterfuge!
OPINION #4; and Related Facts:
On his BS Website, Chapman offers outrageously ridiculous comparisons between entirely unrelated, mundane things, and the physical performance of FORCEFUL-PRONE-RESTRAINT techniques again, in an apparent effort to insinuate “support” for his false assertions that prone restraint is “SAFE.”
For instance, Chapman insinuates that
Chapman’s comparison of elective aspirin ingestion with the non-elective suffering of forceful-prone-restraint at the hands of other human beings is so ABSURD, that one cannot help but be tempted to consider his comparison to be LAUGHABLE.
On his BS Website, Chapman also inappropriately invokes HUMOR by posting an “HOMAGE”
In his bizarre David Letterman homage, Chapman insists that
Does Chapman cite any references to “support” ANY of these bizarre claims?
And, I am not the ONLY person who has been offended and alarmed by the grotesquely inappropriate JOKE arguments Chapman has posted on his BS Website, in relationship to this LIFE-THREATENING SUBJECT.
The following QUOTES represent a SAMPLE of comments about Chapman’s BS Website that have been posted on the
It is My OPINION That:
OPINION #5; and Related Facts:
Throughout his BS Website, Chapman repeatedly makes a variety of ridiculous claims, such as:
Those same ridiculous claims can be found throughout his LRT Website.
But, NOWHERE, on either of his websites, does Chapman provide any tangible description or explanation of WHAT his company’s prone restraint techniques are, or WHY they are so allegedly “SAFE.” Chapman additionally fails to provide ANY photos or line drawings demonstrating the magical safeguards he alleges will prevent restraint asphyxia death from during prone restraint.
Eager to give him the benefit of a doubt, and eager to provide him an opportunity to PROVE His Point, I Emailed Chapman almost immediately after learning about his BS Website: on April 20th, 2009.
Oh, SurpriZe!
WHY is Chapman entirely UNABLE to DEMONSTRATE the
And there is NO SUCH THING as a
OPINION #6; and Related Facts:
CPR Hardly EVER Saves Someone From DEATH:
If YOUR LOVED ONE (or yourself) suffered from a condition that might result in an emergency requiring RESTRAINT APPLICATION so that TREATMENT could be performed conditions such as:
I’ve asked the above questions because …
On his Websites, Bruce Chapman insinuates that:
On his Websites, Bruce Chapman also insinuates that:
It is My OPINION That:
Plz consider ALL the Opinions and Facts
Plz use “TIP #1” of
Develop YOUR OWN Conclusions
Sincerely YOURS,
Bogus and Sham Prone Restraint “Truth” WebsiteFrom Wikipedia:
When registering the Domain Name for his BS Website, Chapman purposefully elected to HIDE the fact that HE was its creator, by making the BS Website’s Domain Name Registrant information “PRIVATE.” (Something that probably cost him extra $$$, as well!)
One lies by omission by omitting an important fact, deliberately leaving another person with a misconception. … A husband may tell his wife he was out at a store, which is true, but lie by omitting the fact that he also visited a bar.
Bruce Chapman did not want it known that the Founder and President of a company that trains people to employ forceful-prone-restraint was the same person who created the website that claimed to provide the “truth” about prone restraint techniques.
they will immediately recognize that:
Chapman’s BS WEBSITE is
Solely intended to increase the INCOME of
(by insinuating “SUPPORT” for)
His Restraint Training company’s Prone Restraint techniques!
while performing restraint (including PRONE Restraint) which cost $75.00 each!
The Bogus and Sham Website that falsely claims to offer
the “TRUTH” about prone restraint techniques was created by
Bruce Chapman, the Founder and President of a company
that MAKES MONEY by training people to perform
potentially LETHAL prone restraint techniques.
the fact that HE created the BS Website!
absolutely NOTHING on Chapman’s BS WEBSITE
can be relied on to represent anything
even remotely resembling
“TRUTH” related to the use of PRONE RESTRAINT!
Chapman’s BS and LRT Websites’ pages (including the identical Argument papers) contain only enough “fact” to make them SEEM like his prone restraint SAFETY rhetoric might be reasonable.
In reality, the majority of his arguments are NOT at all “reasonable!”
Chapman also created his BS Website for the purpose of manufacturing something he could insinuate was an “independent reference” in support of the forceful-prone-restraint techniques that his Restraint Training company teaches.
[Yet another reason for Chapman wanting to HIDE
his incestuous relationship with the BS Website.]
I suspect that Chapman’s Restraint Training company is scrambling for ways to
avoid being held morally, ethically, and LEGALLY responsible for the
trained by his company to perform the
prone restraint techniques that he insists are “SAFE!”
Chapman & Adler’s DMCA Complaints About My Opinion Paper
It will help you find info about some of the above-mentioned deaths.]
being subjected to Prone Restraint is SAFER than taking Aspirin!
Unfortunately, the subject Chapman is JOKING about is LETHALLY SERIOUS!
to Talk Show Host DAVID LETTERMAN’s “TOP 10 LIST” comedy segment!:
the chances of someone DYING due to Prone Restraint
are LESS-LIKELY than them dying due to things like:
NOPE. Not even ONE!
[A “Forum for reform to prevent injury and death from restraints used in schools, residential facilities and hospitals”]
[This person discovered the incestuous relationship between Chapman’s BS Website and his Restraint Training company long before my original Opinion Paper was posted. As did the following two comment-posters.]
George Carlin would have loved that oxymoron.
Bruce Chapman JOKES about the DEATHS that have occurred due to forceful-prone-restraint (including DEATHS that have occurred at the hands of people HIS COMPANY has trained), in an effort to “Pooh-Pooh” the fact that forceful-prone-restraint has KILLED people.
in training people to handle others with CARE, he would have
When correctly performed, prone restraint is not only SAFER than supine restraint, it’s more THERAPEUTIC than supine restraint!
But, on that site, Chapman also claims that his Restraint Training company’s forceful-prone-restraint technique:
is the FIRST technique of its kind to be granted a U.S. PATENT, because it is the ONLY forceful-prone-restraint technique that has ever included SAFEGUARDS which PREVENT asphyxia from occurring during a prone restraint hold!
In that Email, I advised Chapman that I was preparing an opinion statement about his Restraint Training company’s prone restraint technique claims, his BS Website, and the “ARGUMENT” paper I found on both his websites.
In that Email, I asked Chapman to send me a PHOTO or DIAGRAM of his allegedly “SAFE” prone restraint technique; something that would demonstrate the TRUTH of his Claims.
May 25th, 2009 arrived without me receiving ANYTHING from BRUCE CHAPMAN.
In fact, he didn’t even bother to REPLY to my Email.
Bruce Chapman FAILED to provide ANY kind of EVIDENCE
to support his Bogus and Sham claims that his
Restraint Training company offers instruction in a
Magically “SAFE” Method of PRONE RESTRAINT.
Bruce Chapman is UNABLE to provide any kind of Description, Photo or Diagram, that actually DEMONSTRATES how his company’s method of Prone Restraint is so magically “SAFE.”
REAL “TRUTH” about His Prone Restraint Safety Claims?
is this:
can quite easily
method of
PRONE RESTRAINT.From http://www.thoracic.org/sections/clinical-information/critical-care/patient-information/cardiopulmonary-resuscitation-cpr.html
But! Wouldn’t you want YOUR LOVED ONE (or yourself) to receive CPR, just in case they might be among the very “FEW” people (10-20%) who could survive cardiopulmonary arrest with the help of CPR?
Patients who need CPR because their heart has stopped have low rates of survival, often around 10-20%.
Used alone, CPR will result in few complete recoveries
Wouldn’t you want YOUR LOVED ONE (or yourself) to be restrained in a manner that is
Because statistics show that only around 20 unfortunate incidents (such as DEATH) occur each year during restraint applications, it would be IRRESPONSIBLE to mandate a BAN on prone restraint employment [the form of restraint most often associated with the “FEW” restraint DEATHS that occur each year].
Because so MANY episodes of restraint application (including forceful-prone-restraint) have prevented injury to restrainers each year, it is far more COST EFFECTIVE to continue promoting ALL forms of restraint (including asphyxial forms, such as prone restraint).
I should let YOU come to your OWN OPINION about those Chapman statements!
I’ve presented in this Opinion Paper.
Chapman & Adler’s DMCA Complaints About My Opinion Paper
to Discover the REAL TITLES of Chapman’s websites.
Then EXPLORE THEM for yourself!
About Bruce Chapman’s
Bogus and Sham
Prone Restraint “TRUTH”
Ms. Charly D. Miller
To Return To Wherever You Came From
OR Use the Following Links: Email Charly at: c-d-miller@neb.rr.com
(Those are hyphens/dashes between the “c” and “d” and “miller”)
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