Charly D. Miller,
RETIRED Paramedic
Consultant and Expert Witness

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Our old webhost suffered a catastrophic meltdown in the fall of 2013 and we had to move to a new host.
If something is missing, PLZ Email Charly. Thanks!
Charly’s Email address CHANGED in October, 2010
Due to the vast number of pages and documents posted on CharlyDMiller.com, only the
MAIN PAGES of this website have the NEW EMAIL ADDRESS:

CHAS’ Emergency Medical Service (EMS) EDUCATION
- 1986 Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedic
- 1986 EMT-Basic Instructor; Southeast Community College, Lincoln NE
- 1985 Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Instructor; American Heart Association
- 1985 EMT-Paramedic/ACLS provider; Prehospital Education
Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha NE
- 1985 Combat Medical Specialist; US Army Academy of Health Sciences;
Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX
- 1984 American Heart Association CPR Instructor; Lincoln NE
- 1983 EMT-Basic; Southeast Community College, Lincoln NE
- 1979 Psychiatric Care Technician; Lincoln Regional Center
(a State Psychiatric Facility), Lincoln, NE

EMT-B National Standards Self Test, AHA-updated 3rd edition (5 “editions” total)
Paramedic National Standards Self Test, 5th edition
Taigman's Advanced Cardiology (In Plain English)
Miscellaneous Journal and Internet Articles regarding EMS and restraint issues.
Creator of and “WebMistress” for CharlyDMiller.com
- 1996 - 2008: EMERGENCY MEDICINE Consultant and Expert Witness:
Provided National and International consultation for emergency responders, attorneys & others.
Member of the “Medical Issues Awareness Advisory Board” for the CRISIS PREVENTION INSTITUTE
at the board’s inception in June, 2001.
As an “EXPERT WITNESS,” I provided consultation, reports and testimony for any EMS issues.
However, I primarily specialized in cases related to RESTRAINT ASPHYXIA.
As a privately-contracted local, national and International Instructor, I provided years of “general” EMS subject education for all types of EMS Responders. In 1993 I began “specializing” in Restraint-related education for prehospital and inhospital care-providers; as well as for staff of residential, vocational, and treatment centers for developmentally disabled or mentally ill individuals; law enforcement, security and correctional personnel; and for fire department personnel.
I also began specializing in Patient Communication Techniques education in 1993.
- 1989 - 1998: Paramedic for the City & County of Denver Paramedic Division,
Denver Health Medical Center (formerly known as, "Denver General Hospital"), Denver, CO.
Field-operating Paramedic, responding to 911 calls within the City & County of Denver.
- 1988 - 1989: Paramedic, Ambulance Service Company, Denver, CO.
- 1986 - 1988: Paramedic, A-1 Ambulance Systems, Cheyenne, WY and Colorado Springs, CO.
- 1984 - 1988: Combat Helicopter Medic
Nebraska Army National Guard (ARNG), 24th Med Air Ambulance Co.
Wyoming ARNG, 1022nd Med Detachment, Air Ambulance Co.
Colorado ARNG, 147th Medical Hospital (100B).
- 1979 - '80 & 1983 - '86: Psychiatric Care Technician & EMT-Basic
Employed by the State of Nebraska, Lincoln Regional Center (a State Psychiatric Hospital).
Experience included Adult Acute Care & Male Security (“Forensic”) psychiatric care units.


Ms. Charly D. Miller began her patient-care-provider career as an in-hospital Psychiatric Medical Technician in 1979, becoming an EMT-Basic in 1983. In 1984, she became an Army National Guard Helicopter Medic, and in 1986 she became a field-operating Paramedic. After working the streets of Denver, Colorado for ten years as a PARAMEDIC, thankyouverymuch! Charly was a seasoned emergency responder when she retired from patient-care provision in November of 1998.
A privately-contracted emergency medicine Instructor since 1984, Charly taught on local, regional, and national levels; and gained a reputation as “one of the United States’ most exciting and entertaining emergency response Educators.” After 2001, Charly had also become an Internationally-known Educator.
Her first EMS text (Home Meds; A Paramedic’s Pocket Guide to Prescription Medications) was published in 1992; followed by publication of her first EMT-B National Standards Self Test textbook in 1992, and publication of her first EMT-Paramedic National Standards Self Test textbook in 1993. Each of those Self Test textbooks now have several “editions.” As of 2008, ALL editions of these texts are out of date and should not be purchased!
In 1999, Charly began working as an EMS and Restraint Asphyxia Expert Witness. For eight years she represented victims of the nationwide failure to adequately educate medical responders and law enforcement personnel in safe and effective means of restraint. It is her opinion that Adult and Pediatric victims, involuntarily suffering from mind-altering afflictions such as diabetes, seizure disorders, psychiatric conditions (and the like), have a right to safe and effective restraint!
Charly retired from Expert Witness work in January of 2008. She continues to minimally maintain her website so that the important Restraint Asphyxia Library a FREE RESOURCE for information related to restraint dangers and restraint-associated deaths remains available online.

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Email Charly at: chas@novelholiday.com